Monday, July 30, 2012

A series of (unfortunate) events

Posted by M

Over the years, I've realised that life can kind of be a series of ups and downs. Hopefully more ups, but I think it's how we deal with the downs that makes us who we are. Ok ok, enough of my philosophysing.

Anyway, I've been trying to be more of a "glass half full" kinda gal, so I've been developing ways to react to unfortunate events. As K mentioned, I recently moved, and have been trying to get things around the house in order. In the past few weeks, a few "downs" have occurred in an attempt to break me, but I would like to share the methods I have used to prevail (I feel that a maniachal laugh would be appropriate here, but I'm not sure why...).

1st down:
One day, after an intense cleaning of the house, I decided that I deserved a little reward. I went down to the cold storage and...

Well, cleaning must have burnt off plenty of calories!

Okay, so I imagined Darcy's dialogue. But it was SO written all over his face.

Yeah....This solution just sort of presented itself :).

2nd down:
We bought a vacuum cleaner. I know what you're thinking- whoopdifreakingdo! But this purchase was actually really exciting for me! For one, I felt like we are really house owners, since we never had one in our apartment. And secondly, because I could FINALLY clean the carpet, whose filth was making my OCD go into overdrive.

And then I went to empty the vacuum container thingy (well, jeez, I just got it, I'm not well versed in vacuum words yet)...

Okay spiders, it's ON!

Ahahaha. Just kidding.

Actual Solution:
Yeah, the truth isn't always pretty.

See, you can conquer all sorts of downs, particularly if they scare you half to death.

So the moral of this story is, there's always a light at the end of the tunnel. Or a detractable faucet. :).

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Why we haven't posted more lately...

Posted by K 

Yesterday I realized we were a little inconsistent with our posts during June. There may have been a little gap. A little "3 weeks long" sized gap.

In our defense, it was a really busy month. Our combined "down time" was kinda non-existent. What, you don't believe me?! Just check the bus hours on the left of the screen there. Over 500. Life is sad.

Anywho, I (being K) have created a picture montage of the craziness of the month of June, so that our faithful readers can appreciate the difficulty involved with finding spare time to painstakingly illustrate stick figures using MS Paint.

I present the month of June: M and K style.

June 1-8, 2012

M was getting packed for her move. I was watching Toddlers and Tiaras. A lot.

June 9-15, 2012


M cleaned her apartment from top to bottom, I was too hot to turn on my laptop.

June 16-22, 2012

M moved into her new house, I watched "My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding".

As you can see from our combined activities, the gap really was unavoidable. We're back on track now.

Lucky for all of you "My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding" ended last week.

 And yes, I know "Craft Wars" just started, but I do have standards people.
 I prefer "Extreme Couponing". Much more entertaining.

Monday, July 09, 2012

Posted by M

A few weeks ago, we received a visit from some wonderful relatives. Many great conversations were had and it was a great visit! One conversation in particular really stuck with me and made me giggle for some time. While discussing how annoying the garbage collection program is, one relative (coughHGMcough) told me about her adventures in trying to throw out her garbage can. I mean, how DO you throw away a garbage can anyway?? It still makes me laugh.

So I was going to write a post reflecting on life's little mysteries, when I came across a webpage. A webpage devoted entirely to "How to Throw Away a Garbage Can". Seriously, is there anything eHow won't write about? They're amazing.

Anywho, this page made me laugh harder, to the point that I just had to devote an entire post to it. Seriously, they actually say that you have to make several attempts to discard your garbage can because it probably won't work the first few times... or at all. It's hilarious. Anyway, I've compliled a list of my own, using their advice and adding a little pizzazz.

So without further ado, I present: How to get rid of that old, stinky garbage can without losing your least you'll tell your family and friends that you haven't lost your mind...they won't believe you, but it will make you feel better inside.

The Culprit:
Oh garbage can, you don't have a clue how much trouble you are...

Attempt 1:  Keep it simple. Try some signage on the can to give those garbage collectors a clue. Hide behind a tree to watch the results.

Ok, so it was my suggestion to hide behind a tree, but clearly you want to see the results of your hard work.

It seems pretty clear to me that this is going to be a failure. The site does seem to suggest getting a little more severe with your signage (i.e. What do you NOT understand about this being GARBAGE?!!), but honestly, who has more than one free day to hide behind a tree. Or enough poster board.

Attempt 2: Disguise the garbage can. (I couldn't make this up)
Flattery will surely work!
Or trickery! Brilliant.

Attempt 3: Reverse psychology. I also need to add in a quote from the webpage, as I think it really sums up Attempt 3: "Remember, this is one of life's conundrums. It may take your entire arsenal of solutions before you actually throw away the garbage can."  Good. Grief.
Don't you even THINK about laying a FINGER on my garbage can!

Attempt 4: If the going gets tough, give up altogether and decide to turn your can into some art for your house. Yep, really.
Is this an artistic version of a white flag? Oh, I think so.
Happy garbage disposing! I'm off to explore what else I can learn on the world wide web :).