Saturday, January 19, 2013

Ain't she unglamo-rays

Posted by M

I have recently come to believe that I may secretly be the She-Hulk. For those of you who don't know, She-Hulk, a.k.a. Jennifer Walters, is the crime-fighting cousin of the angry green hulk. If you are currently yelling, "NERD ALERT" at your computer screen, calm down, I only just wiki'd this info. Jeez.

Anyway, when Jennifer Walters gets stressed and angry, she turns into a nasty green giant (and not of the vegetable variety) and basically kicks ass. I'm not suggesting that I've been fighting hard crime in my spare time, mostly because my fights have all been with inanimate objects. But I am seriously concerned that I may have the inner hulk rage inside of me.

 Exhibit A:

After cooking up a delicious cinnamon bun cake, I had to wait what felt like FOREVER to put it in a tupperware container. Cake takes way too long to cool down, just saying. So finally, after hours of waiting, I snatched a knife, cut' er up, and grabbed my favourite spatula to move the cake.

Oh cinnamon cake, you are finally ready.

Are you kidding me right now?!

M-Hulk SMASH!!!

Exhibit B:

One morning this week, after sleeping in late, I decided to wear a shirt that I got for Christmas for the first time. It is polka-dotty and awesome. It was, however, stupid wrinkled. After working out the wrinkles I discovered I had all of five minutes to get the rest of myself together. I ran for the bathroom, put in my contacts, and decided I'd do a simple up-do in my hair.

Brushy brushy


With half the brush stuck in my hair, I angrily gave fists of death to the sky.

In conclusion, I have decided that I either have extreme strength (which, judging by my inability to lift a ten pound weight above my head, is not the case), or I'm a superhero in disguise. Maybe I should call up Stan Lee? Avengers 2 here I come!!

Monday, January 07, 2013

Public Service Announcement : Apparently Q-tips are EVIL

Posted by K 

I spent the last week lying in bed feeling super gross, in that really sucky not-asleep-not-awake fog where you're really out of it, but you feel too awful to sleep. Not the best start to 2013, but as I got the sore throat that precluded the sickness in 2012 I'm blaming it on that year.

I figured I had the flu, but after 5 days I seemed to be getting worse, not better. This was when M visited me to convince me to go to the doctor's.

I hate going to the walk-in clinic.

I always have to wait hours to get in, and 3 out of 4 visits the doctor's like "Yup, you have a virus.", and I'm like "Soo, do you have any antibiotics I could take?", and they're like "Tylenol." Thanks for that. Totally worth it.

Anyway, the conversation went a little like this:

The next day we went to the clinic.

After waiting 3 hours (during which time I'm pretty sure M was exposed to every version of the cold/flu hanging out in Ottawa this winter) we finally got in. And it turns out I have a severe ear infection. Didn't see that one coming. The doctor asked "Do you use q-tips?", and I was like "yes....", and she said "No more Q-tips! You put them too far into your ear and then you get an infection! Only use Q-tips outside your ear, for fun."

(I kind of let the "for fun" advice slide as I was shocked about the infection part).

Anywho, she was definitely right since now I can't hear out of my left ear. I'm on medication though, so here's hoping that little chestnut will clear up soon.

So, I've decided to spread the word, from my (slightly muffled) sick bed. Q-tips are bad.

Unless you're using them for fun.